This is a small community that met way back on omlet arcade(now defunct) in like 2019 2020 after the original OA(omlet arcade) group "Grupul retardatilor" and "Grupul retardatilor 2" became ofline we moved to discord gcs and shortly after 2 or 3 unknown/lost to time discord servers the first itiration of M6 Mafia was born called "Emperiul roman" where we got some old OA group members in it (Lucas) and some others like im.stefan1 and Light Yagami came in it had alot of work put in it before it collapsed after me(bubustyle1) renamde it to AAA and thus curent and standing M6 Mafia lives on from 2023-2024 becoming the last current community of our Grupul Retardatilor history that stands its safe to say that M6 Mafia stands the test of time given that even if it keeps breaking and repairing we as the owners(bubustyle1 and stefanland) played a big part in this community along with the staff(im.stefan1) who made one of our owners leave (radex/emmett/1barosan) who wasnt really liked. WE ARE M6(also our name M6 Mafia was inspired by caricepsv2(romanian fivem troller and rapper MGK666).